Hatha Yoga derives from many more ancient works. The focus of Hatha yoga is on physical practice that is a preparatory stage designed to get the body fit for the practise of higher meditation. Hatha yoga involves a six limb process to achieving a state of bliss, union or yoga. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika outlines how to perform particular physical asanas. An asana is a pose or posture. This was the first detailed description of physical asana. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika includes actual yoga asanas, many still in use today. Hatha Yoga – the six limbs to reach enlightenment: However, MOST of the physical asanas that we see in Yoga class are less than 100 years old and more are being created every day!
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Forward Bend -Uttanasana
Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana
An amazing whole body strength and stretch. Chest opening and full body work.
- Step wide as comfortable with back foot perpendicular to front foot.
- Anchor the back foot to the floor by pressing outside edge down. Tighten the extended leg and buttocks without hyper extending the knee.
- Then exhale and bend your front knee over the right ankle, so that the shin is vertical.
- As you bend the knee aim the inner knee toward the little-toe side of the foot. If possible, bring the thigh parallel to the floor.
- Engage core and lengthen the spine, open the chest and reach top arm with energy all the way to the fingers. Rest bottom arm on knee or reach to ankle.
Anatomical Focus
Feet, Ankles, Legs, Groins, Chest, Shoulders, Spine and Core
Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Traditional Method is to begin on hands and knees, with hands placed on floor slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Dog pose is about spine control and neutral length before heels on ground and straight knees.
Spread hands wide, pressing through the fingers rather than leaning on back of wrists.
Tuck toes into floor with feet hip width apart and parallel.
Push off floor so that hands and feet touch floor with hips pressing upward into upside down “V” shape.
Keep knees bent and heels as far from floor as needed to create an upwards lift of the pelvis.
Relax the neck, externally rotate the shoulders to allow scapulae to press onto the rib cage. Keep the elbows in neutral and push from the sides of ribs.
Open chest and lengthen the upper back without hyper flexing the shoulder joint.
This is a great relaxation or restorative pose. However, those with knee, ankle or back issues may find it uncomfortable.
Spread your knees as far as you can comfortably but keep your feet touching.
Your belly should be resting between your thighs and your forehead touching the floor.
This is a great position to breath and develop a reflective mind set.
Child's Pose - Balasana
Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Posterior body stretch - strengthen and stretches the hamstrings. great to relax the neck and shoulders. Always have a softening in the knees!
- Feet hip width or together - face feet forward and symmetrical.
- Keep knees as bent as necessary to feel comfortable - there should be NO stretch behind the knees or at the very top of hamstrings, there should be no sensation of discomfort in the back.
- Ensure the bend is initiated from the hips, perform an anterior tilt of pelvis.
- Keep the abdominals drawing into the back body
- Hands can rest on thighs, blocks or floor. Be aware that hanging in an unsupported manner may cause back pain.
Anatomical Focus
Stretches the hips, hamstrings, and calves
Strengthens the thighs and knees
Reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigueCalms the mind and soothes the nerves