Fundamental Repertoire - Learn the exercises
Pilates is a unique experiential approach that focuses on integrating the mind and body to increase muscle control and balance. This system emphasises consciously controlled movements to ensure correct muscle sequencing. The exercises require concentration and attention to detail. The result is not just to strengthen one particular muscle action but deliver a smooth controlled movement pattern. There are FIVE basic positions from which all the repertoire has been developed. Three postions are describes below.​
Pilates exercises form the foundation of healthy static and dynamic posture.
Basic Position - All Fours
Challenge shoulder girdle under load.
Challenge lumbar / pelvis against gravity with different lever lengths.
Develop neck strength in neutral against gravity.​
Develop push pattern control (support arm).
Assist pull pattern stability (moving arm).
Basic Position - Supine
This postion is designed to develop control at its most basic level.
Static neutral spine control of the head, ribcage and pelvis.
Static neutral control is challenged when moving the arms and the legs​.
Legs challenge pelvis alignment/ arms challenge rib cage.
Different levels of muscle activation are also required.
Designed to teach lateral thoracic breathing.
Basic Position - Side Lying
Designed to challenge the side body.
Focus on shoulder, oblique's and gluteus medius.

Balance and symmetry between the right and left sides of the body can be explored.
Basic Position - Prone
This position is also designed to develop control at its most basic level.
Static neutral spine control of the head and pelvis is developed with thoracic extension.
This position allows great core awareness with the added proprioception from the floor.
Scapulae contraction and depression can be developed as well as shoulder external rotation.

Gluteal activation and control can be observed.
Basic Position - Seated
Seated is the hardest position to learn neutral.
The seated postures develop vertical spine control, head placement and spinal mobility.
Twisting and flexion of the spine are common seated challenges.